The meeting was called to order by President Pamela Davies at 6:35 p.m. It was discussed the corrections for the February Secretary minutes be approved. Approved and second.
Treasure’s Report - there was no activity in February, and there is 3 cents interest. The balance is $1,660.12
Announcements- Becky Tessman is saving cardboard flats and paper bags for the plant sale.
- Kris shared a thank you card from Sue Augustson for flowers sent to her.
- Kris shared a thank you card from Sue Augustson for flowers sent to her.
Committee Reports- Plant Sale – Kris has banner estimates for a 10’ x 2’ sign. TRA @ $40.00; Northland Signs @ $45.00. Sign color of a white background with colored letter was discussed. Other sizes were also discussed. Signs can be made in a week. Kris was given permission to order two signs.
- Vegetables, annuals and herb plants can also be brought to sell at the Plant Sale.
- Sign Planting - Zinneas and other flowers will be ordered and marigolds will be planted by Linnea. Kris suggested doing the same plants as last year. After the Plant Sale, the remaining plants will be planted by the Grantsburg sign. Discussion was held about having more annual plants by this sign. Next Fall some stakes with flags need to be put around the garden by the sign so the snowmobilers don’t drive on the garden area.
- Holiday In The Park – The display is still frozen into the ground. It will be removed when the ground has softened. Pam talked to Nikki P. about expanding this event, but Nikki can’t work on this. If anyone is interested in helping expand this event, please let Pam know.
Special Committees
- Grantoberfest – there is no news to report at this time.
- Grantoberfest – there is no news to report at this time.
Old Business- Press releases – no one has volunteered to do this yet.
New Business- Mary talked about doing planting around public signs and maintaining the flowers throughout the season. She suggests having a report done for Chris Bartlett with the Village. They need help designing a new garden by the Library.
Plants and flowers need to be put in by the flag pole at Memory Lake and the Welcome to Grantsburg sign. Kris asked if anyone is interested in implementing these design plans. The Village will contribute some money for the gardens and the Garden Club may too. Mary showed an example of the cost/worksheet for these to be done and to given to the Village. The garden at Memory Lake and Welcome sign areas can be done this Spring (whenever it warms up enough) and the Library possibly in the Fall, depending on the construction in this area. Anyone interested in helping with the designs can take the paperwork and update give updates to the Garden Club in April.
- There was no other business discussed.
*Next meeting is April 12 at 10 a.m. at Wood River Garden Center. Sue and Nori will bring refreshments.
- The meeting was adjourned and seconded at 7:15 p.m.
- The meeting was adjourned and seconded at 7:15 p.m.
- Mary gave a very informational and picturesque presentation on Ferns.
- Along with refreshments, hats were available for the May Tea Party, to be decorated. Please pay $10 to attend this. The Garden Club will contribute $5 for each attendee. Payment needs to be made by April 15.