
November 2010, Meeting Minutes

Seven members were present at the November 14, 2010 meeting of the Burnett Garden Club: Kris H., Becky and Tim T., Wanda, Pam, Georgianne and Janet.

A committee sign-up sheet for committees and upcoming events was circulated. $5.00 dues are due for 2011. Without a quorum we could not proceed with the nomination and election of officers. This will be carried over to the December meeting. Minutes from the last meeting have been posted to the blog with the addition of attendees to be appended.

The last meeting was the Grapevine Wreath Making Workshop with Carrie B as presenter. This month is the Ornamental Grasses for Zone 3 presentation by Kris H.

Treasurer’s report (Becky T.): 10/31/10 statement balance $1946.64, as of 11/12/10 $1956.64 (65.00 membership dues minus $35.00 for magazine order and $20.00 for the October speaker supplies.

Officers to be elected for 2011:
President (open)
VP (Wanda B. is willing to continue in this position)
Treasurer (Becky T is willing to continue in this position)
Secretary (open)
Blog and notification (Pam D is willing to continue in this position)

Christmas in the Park setup will be Nov 27 or 28 (contact Becky or Tim T if you want to help) Janet, Georgianne and Kris volunteered to help Becky and Tim. Becky has ideas and some materials – shepherds hooks with stockings stuffed with greenery, Candy Canes, the Burnett Garden Club sign and spots to illuminate.

Articles and Bylaws were found by Lucille. They can be discussed at the organizational meeting in December. Information for the 2011 booklet must also be finalized so these can go out ASAP.

Minnesota Horticultural Society MSHS offers 10-12 categories of awards (individual and club awards with levels and categories). Wisconsin gardens can qualify. We have missed this year’s deadline for nominations. Next year our club would like to nominate the CCC garden at the Burnett Medical Center.

It was suggested that we include the CCC garden at the BMC in our local garden tour for 2011.

Our next Meeting will be the Annual Holiday Potluck and optional gift exchange which will be held on December 9 at 6:00 pm at Pam Davies' house (on Pine Street north of the post office and the village shop). An email will go out for members to respond indicating what they would like to bring: main dish, side dish, salad, dessert. (The club will cover the expense of paper plates, cups, etc.) $10.00 optional gift exchange.

Ornamental Grasses Presentation by Kris Henning, Wisconsin Master Gardener:

A PowerPoint presentation was displayed on the SmartBoard with copies handed out. (Copies may be available through Kris H). A selection of dried grasses from Kris' gardens was included in the presentation.

Kris gave a thorough overview of which grasses have done well in Zone 3. Check out the U of M website for more reference materials on grasses http://www.extension.umn.edu/. Recommended reading Northern Gardener Magazine, Ornamental Grasses for Cold Climates by M. Meyer U of M professor and grass specialist, and Minnesota Hardy. (Members may subscribe to Northern Gardener Magazine through Becky T.) Both books available on U of M Extension website.

Some grasses mentioned: Fall-Blooming Reedgrass, Karl Foerster, Huron Solstice – switch grass, Northwind -- switchgrass (stands up well through winter), Little Blue Stem (native), Big Blue Stem (native), Purple Molinia Grass – Skyracer, Miscanthus – flame grass.

Minutes taken by Janet B and transcribed by Pam D.

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