Constitution and Bylaws
Burnett Garden Club
1. NAME. The name of this organization shall be the Burnett Garden Club.
2. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Club shall be to stimulate the knowledge and love of indoor and outdoor gardening, to encourage civic planting and beautification, to help people of all ages learn the satisfaction of gardening and other horticultural pursuits, and to enjoy the gardens and friendships while sharing knowledge among our members.
3. AFFILIATION. The Burnett Garden Club shall be affiliated with the Minnesota State Horticultural Society and shall cooperate with this organization and its activities, and are able to send delegates to attend district meetings.
Membership in this Club shall be open to any person interested in the purpose for which this Club was formed, who has a willingness to work for and support that purpose, and who is willing to pay the annual dues.
5. OFFICERS. The officers of this organization shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Information Officer.
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers, the chairmen of the Standing Committees, and the immediate Past President.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall have general management of this organization. They shall approve the plans and reports of the various committees, and any expenditures incurred by same. They shall present a summary of any Board meetings at regular meetings.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall meet regularly in order to best conduct the business of the Club. The first Board meeting after election of officers shall be a joint meeting of the incoming and outgoing Boards at the organizational meeting prior to the December meeting.
Section 4. A quorum for the Executive Board shall be three Board members.
Section 1. The regular meetings of the Club shall be held on the second Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM in the Grantsburg High School, unless otherwise noted.
Section 2. The Annual Meeting of the Club shall be the November meeting.
Section 3. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President with approval from the Executive Board.
Section 4. Executive Board meetings shall be held not less than semiannually at a time to be determined by that Board.
Section 1. This Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting providing that all members have been informed of the proposed amendment and its purpose 30 days in advance of the meeting.
Section 2. A quorum of 1/3 of the current membership must be present, either at the meeting or in the form of a proxy vote, to vote on an amendment. A majority of 2/3 is needed to pass an amendment.
By Laws
Section 1-Election and Terms.
A. Any member in good standing and active in the Club shall be eligible to hold office.
B. Voting shall be by ballot whenever there is more than one nomination for an office.
C. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall serve a term of one year.
D. Installation of new officers shall be at the December meeting. They shall formally assume the duties of their office upon installation. Outgoing officers shall turn over to their successors all records and materials belonging to that office.
E. No officer may serve more than two terms consecutively in the same, with the exception of the Information Officer. An officer may be re-elected for a later term if there has been a one-year interim. This may be waived with a simple majority vote.
F. Vacancies in any office shall be filled by appointment of the President with Executive Board approval.
G. An officer may be the chairman of no more than one Standing Committee and one Special Committee if desired.
H. If necessary, when co-presidents serve, no Vice-President will be elected. Co-presidents shall assume the responsibilities of the Vice-President.
I. Each officer shall maintain records and conduct correspondence as it pertains to their duties for the club and will copy other officers and members as appropriate.
Section 2-Duties.
A. President. The President shall preside over all meeting of the Club and Executive Board, and shall perform such duties as regularly pertain to the office. The President shall be ex-officio member of all committees and shall appoint the chairmen of all Standing Committees and Special Committees as necessary. The President my call special meetings of the Club or Executive Board as the need arises. The President shall not vote at Club meetings unless there is a tie, and then shall cast the deciding vote.
B. Vice-President. The Vice-President shall assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties, and shall perform the duties of President in the absence or inability of the latter. The Vice-President’s duties shall include publicity for the club and any other special duties as assigned by the President.
C. Secretary. The secretary shall keep all the minutes and attendance of regular and Executive Board meetings, prepare the minutes and other reports to be published by the Information Officer. The Secretary shall perform any other duties as assigned by the President and/or Executive Board.
D. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Club and shall pay expenditures approved by the Executive Board or a simple majority at a regular meeting. Treasurer shall make financial report at every regular meeting, a yearly financial report at the Annual meeting, and be subject to an annual audit in October by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall receive dues from the members, be in charge of filing membership reports to MSHS, and keep an up-to-date membership record at all times.
E. Information Officer. The Information Officer shall maintain a website for the Club for the purpose of publishing Club notices and meeting minutes and other information pertinent to the Club. The Club website will be accessible to the public and will serve the additional purpose of community outreach.
2. Dues.
Section 1. The annual dues shall be set by the Executive Board at the October meeting for the coming year.
Section 2. The annual dues are due and payable no later than November 15th.
3. Members.
Section 1. Members who have paid their dues for the current year shall be considered in good standing and entitled to vote.
Section 2. New members may join at any time during the year and will be required to pay the full annual Club dues. They will be considered full-fledged members with benefits and voting rights.
4. Committees.
Section 1. Chairmen for all committees shall be appointed by the President. For ongoing direction, they shall report to the President. They shall choose committee members to assist them in performing the functions of the committee. Standing Committee Chairmen shall be appointed annually after the November meeting, and Special Committee Chairmen as needed.
Section 2. The Standing Committees shall be:
- Plant Sale-Organize and execute the annual June plant sale
- Sign Planting-Organize and execute the annual spring Grantsburg sign planting
- Holiday in the Park-Organize and execute the annual Memory Park holiday display for the Club
- Yearbook-typing-Publishing and distribution by the January meeting.
- Fairground Planting – Plan and execute the planters at the Grantsburg Fairgrounds
- Grantoberfest – Organize and Plan Garden Club Booth for this event
- Tours – Arrange for venues for Club and Local Public tours
Special Committees shall be created and appointed as needed.
Section 3. The Historian shall be considered a designated position in the Club, not as an elected officer, but as a volunteer member.
Section 4. All committee chairmen shall give a complete report of their committee’s activities for the past year at the annual meeting, with additional suggestions for the coming year.
Section 5. Any member appointed to a committee or asked to perform duties for the Club shall act on such committee or perform such duty unless, for any cause, such member is unable to do so, and in that event, such member shall provide a replacement and so inform the President or Committee Chairman.
Section 6. Any correspondence of a specific committee shall be handled by that committee.
Section 7. The Fair Awards Judging Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary, and shall judge the entries at both Burnett County Fairs.
5. Meetings.
Section 1. The following Order of Business shall be adhered to at all meetings unless suspended by a majority vote:
A. Call to order
B. Roll call
C. Minutes
D. Reports: 1. Treasurer
2. Standing Committees
3. Special Committees
E. Notices
F. Old Business
G. New Business
H. Adjournment, refreshments, Program
Section 2. In addition to Section 1 contents, the Annual November meeting shall contain election of new officers, annual Treasurer Report, annual Standing and Special Committee reports, payment of dues, and suggestions for next year’s programs from member’s input.
6. Quorum.
A quorum shall constitute 1/3 of the current membership for the regular transaction of business at a meeting, unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or Bylaws.
7. Parliamentary Procedure. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this Club in all points not specified in the Constitution or Bylaws.
8. Amendments.
Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting providing that all members have been informed of the proposed amendment and its purpose in advance of the meeting.
Section 2. A quorum must be present, either at the meeting or in the form of a proxy vote, to vote on an amendment. A majority of 2/3 is needed to pass an amendment.
This is a revised Constitution and Bylaws adopted by the Club on April 14, 2016.