
January 2011, Meeting Minutes

January 13th, 2011

Burnett Garden Club Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Kris Henning.

Secretary notes from November are on the blog for anyone to read.

Treasury report was given by Becky Tessman. We have $1958.19 in the club account as of this meeting.

Old business:

We do need a tours chairperson, who will stay in contact with persons generous enough to volunteer their gardens for tours and also the other summer tours that have been scheduled.

Janet Byers has agreed to be our new Tours Chairperson.

On June 16th our club with be touring Wanda and Jack Biorn,s new gardens located in rush City, MN. We tentatively be stopping to view a private garden and maybe Melon Vine farms. We will carpool from the High school at 5:30 PM.

Our community Garden Tour is set for July 14th.

New business:

Becky Tessman passed around a signup sheet for help in weeding the garden at the Grantsburg sign.

Kris Henning talked about the Circle Nursery Tours scheduled for May 21 or 28th. Kris also brought in seed catalogs to view and magazines from the Horticulture Society of MN. If anyone is interested in a membership to the Hort. Society it comes free with a subscription to the Northern Gardener Magazine and you’ll need to talk to Becky Tessman regarding that.

The club welcomed new members.

We watched a video brought in by Wanda Biorn on “Square Foot Gardening” by Mel Bartholomew. This is a very interesting video for people with a small area for gardening. If you are interested please see Wanda as she will lend out the video.

Tim and Becky Tessman show a wonderful PowerPoint presentation on their garden travels including the Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island, the Munsinger Gardens in St.Cloud, MN, Key West and many more gardens. They also provided a very informative handout on the gardens they have seen.

Meeting was adjourned and seconded.

Refreshments were served by Wanda Biorn and Susan A.

Respectfully submitted by Rosemary Burkman, Secretary

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