
Meeting Minutes, April 2016

Burnett Garden Club
Secretary’s report for Apr. 14, 2016
General meeting, Linnea Seume’s home @ 6:30 pm.

President Mary Charmoli called the meeting to order at 6:36 PM.
Attendance: Teresa & Mark R., Mary C., Kris H., Jackie G., Linnea S., Sandra & McKenzie H., Sandy H., Janet B., Becky T., Lucille D., Mary G., Georgianne K., Pam.

Secretary’s Report-Kris. Minutes posted on the blog last month. Jackie motioned, Pam seconded to approve the minutes as posted. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report-Jackie. Prior balance $1817.13, current balance $1177.47 after paying for the cookbooks and some gift cards. No corrections, report stands as read.

Committee Reports:

  • Community Plantings-Kris & Pam. Kris reported that she has done 4 presentations so far to groups for the sign renovation—Grantsburg Village donated $300, Lions Club donated $100, Mark Dahlberg donated $20, Gary Nelson Agency donated $25; no word yet from the American Legion or the Rotary Club. The plants are ordered for the sign. Bennie Johnson from the Lions has pledged a sack of cannas and callas to us—we can use them for the sign if needed or sell them. Pam will order the plants for the flagpole and Library separate from the sign.
  • Fairgrounds-no report yet.
  • Plant Sale-Kris. Kris passed around a volunteer and materials signup sheet for the sale day. She asked that people save pop flats and boxes for the sale, and we need donations of 4”, quart, and gallon pots. She will talk about the sale plans more next month after we know what was brought in for potting. We scheduled Monday, May 2nd at 5:30 pm at the sign to dig perennials.
  • Tours—Becky. We discussed two gardens—Rhonda Johnson, SE of Grantsburg, and Karla Holmquist from Siren. Becky will check again to be sure they are confirmed.
  • Fair Float—Pam. Pam said that she would be able to do it if she gets some volunteers to help. See her if you can help with this.
  • Grantoberfest and Holiday in the Park—no reports yet.
  • Cookbook—Jackie. Jackie reported that all the recipes are entered and the books ordered and paid for, $524.15. They should be ready around May 15th in time for the sale. Many thanks to Jackie and Pam and all contributors for their work on this project.
  • Announcements:

Mary C. passed around a sheet with coming events on it. Kris is doing a Community Ed class on basic gardening on April 18. Village Floral has upcoming Fairy Garden classes scheduled.

The Potting Party is May 5th at Kris’ home—bring your clumps of plants and we’ll pot them up!

Old Business:
 1. Quilt block hanging—Lisa absent, but we are still in need of painted blocks—get from Lisa.
 2. Constitution/ByLaws ratification—Mary C. Bylaws were discussed at the last Executive Board meeting on 3/10/16. Items needing ratification by the membership are:

  •  a. Under the Constitution: #7 Section 1 – Remove the room number (we changed rooms this year at the school). Amendment passed. 
  •  b. Under By-Laws: #1 Section 1 - Election & Terms - #E - "No Officer may serve more than two terms consecutively. Add "...with the exception of Informational Officer" (this allows Pam Davies to continue doing her exceptional job as webmaster and informational officer until she determines otherwise). Amendment passed.
  •  c. Under By-Laws: #4- Section 2 Standing Committees. Add: Fairground Planting, "Grantoberfest", & Tours to list. Amendment passed.
  •  d. Under By-Laws: #5 - Meetings - Section 2 – Add "November" to Annual Meeting phrase. Amendment passed.

3.    Speaker Honorariums.  It was decided by the executive board to give a $25 gift certificate to Village Floral/Wood River Garden Center. If the speaker is not from the local area, then a $25 gas card will be given. The treasurer will purchase these and present it with a thank you note from the club at the time of the presentation. All presenters will be offered the Honoraria, whether they are club members or not; they can decline the offer if they wish. This was thought to be an incentive to encourage members to present.

New Business:
 a. Pam received an email from Extension Service forwarded from Amplehervest.org. This is a nationwide non-profit founded by a Master Gardener that enables America's home gardeners to donate their excess garden produce to nearby food shelves. She will forward it to all of the members. Locally, members can also check with food shelves and Senior Centers to see if they will take produce.
Brag Time: 
 a. Georgianne has canning jars to give away.
 b. Mary G. has 2 Bat boxes to sell for a $10 donation to the club. She would also consider doing a program for us on Bats in the future. She is changing jobs and going to work for Coldwell Banker in Siren next week, and she has a home across from Linnea’s for sale.
 c. Mark R. reminded everyone that the Garden Store will open this weekend (he works there).
Adjourn. Pam motioned, Sandy seconded to adjourn. Motion passed.
Next meeting date is May 12th at High School. Our speaker is Kathryn Schiedermayer from Springbrook on “A Dozen Herbs to Grow in Your Backyard”.

Tonight’s program from Linnea and Becky is “Preparing for the Fairs”.

Respectfully submitted,
Kris Henning, Secretary

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