
Meeting Minutes, September 2016

Burnett Garden Club
Secretary’s report for Sept. 8, 2016
General meeting, Grantsburg High School @ 6:30 pm.

Program –Mark Riewestahl presented a program on Succulents before the business meeting. His slideshow was very informative and showed the various types, shapes, colors and textures and how to care for these drought-tolerant plants. He brought samples of his succulents for display and some for sale. He also makes clay Fairy Garden accessories for sale and brought some to sell.
There was a short refreshment break before the meeting.
Meeting was called to order by President Mary Charmoli on Sept 8 at 6:32 PM.
President welcomed guests.
Secretary’s Report from May 12 by Kris Henning. Charlene moved, Pam seconded to approve the minutes as posted on the Blog. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report for August emailed to Kris from Jackie. August 1 beginning balance was $2,018.99; August 31 ending balance was $1,949.52. Treasurer’s report stands.
Committee Reports:
  1. Community Planting – Pam. Library needs funds; she has been potting up plants to sell and asked members to do the same. Kris reported that the sign garden is looking great and discussed some income/expenses on it from the Treasurer. A cleanup date for all gardens was set for Sept. 29 @ 5:30 pm. Meet at the sign and we will strategize from there. Bring rakes, totes/tubs, gloves for garden debris.
  2. Fairgrounds Planting – Lisa. No report. Plantings look good, per Janet.
  3. Plant Sale – Kris. Treasurer Jackie sent a report on the sale with a net of $863.34.
  4. Tours – Becky. Two tours went well. Suggestions for future gardens—Clara Liljeberg’s son (2 houses south of Kozy), Pine City man who visited the plant sale (but we didn’t get his name), and Sandy Hinrichs’ garden.
  5. Fair Float – Pam. Didn’t happen.
  6. Grantoberfest – Mary in lieu of Georgianne. Set up will be from 4:15-6 PM on Friday (we really need help) and from 7:30-9:00 AM on Saturday. Need Pumpkins, dried flowers to decorate or for sale, potted plants for sale, other items to sell; contact Mary if you have some.
  7. Holiday in the Park – Lisa. No report.
  8. Cookbook – Jackie (report on sales). No report.
  1. Events – sheet passed around
  2. Next Meeting: Oct 13 – “Yard/Garden Pest Control” by Kevin Schoessow
  3. Sign-up for offices/pay dues – Kris. Kris passed around the signup/suggestion sheets for 2017 and collected dues.
New Business
  1. Change in the Constitution – Mary. The Extension Office sent a letter to us and it basically states that their requirement for working with groups is that the groups be non-discriminatory. Mary had proposed changing our constitution, which is very broad and general, to match their wording, which is quite specific and might change again. Kris motioned to send in what we have now and if they don’t like it, then we can address it next year. Mark seconded. Motion passed.
Other Business-none.
Brag Time.
Becky thanked all that entered in the fair—it really does make the fair better; there will be a Fairy Garden classification next year. Charlene told us about her houseplant she’s had since 1981.
Adjournment. Charlene motioned, Kris seconded to adjourn. Motion passed.

Members Present:
Mary C., Charlene, Linnea, Mary G., Rhonda, Kris, Janet, Mark, Teresa, Pam, Wanda, Becky.

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