
Meeting Minutes, October 2016

Program –Lauren Finch presented a program on how to get rid of pests in your garden and yard.  She talked about how to tell what type of pest you have, voles, moles, rabbits, deer and how to get rid of them.  Live traps, water, fencing, and told us that the Crex Meadows headquarters have live traps for us to rent. She also talked about what types of bait, peanut butter, rolled oats, fresh veggies, apples etc.

Meeting was called to order by President Mary Charmoli on October 13, 2016 at 7:25 PM.
Welcome guest: Jim Charmoli
Secretary’s Report from September 8, 2016 taken by Kris Henning. Pam moved, Lisa seconded to approve the minutes as posted on the Blog. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report   The annual audit was completed by Jackie, Kris and Mary C. This accounting was passed for members to see. The October report was emailed to Mary: Beginning balance was $1949.52 There were $549.04 in deposits and $168.44 in expenses Current balance is $2330.12. Treasurer’s report stands.
Committee Reports:
 1. Community Planting – Kris absent - The cleanup date for all on Sept. 29 @ 5:30 PM was done and there are plenty of Canna’s salvaged from the sign to replant next year and to sell at the plant sale.
 2. Fairgrounds Planting – Lisa. Looked good and will do the same type of thing again next year
 3. Plant Sale – Kris absent. Treasurer Jackie emailed a report on the sale with an income of $1000.00 and expenses of $133.66, netting a profit of $866.34.
 4. Tours – Becky.  Just thinking of gardens, Kris has a couple of ideas and Janet’s sister’s garden was suggested.
 5. Fair Float – Pam. Suggested to scrap the committee .
 6. Grantoberfest – Gerorgianne there was $191.00 taken in with a cost of @$60.00, there was a new members signed up and 3 cookbooks were sold.
 7. Holiday in the Park – Lisa. Looking for ideas.
 8. Cookbook –  Per Mary we still have 76 left.  Pam suggested that a cookbook be given to Lauren for her presentation as well as her gift for Village floral and to the teacher of the room we use.  Lauren was given her book and Mark will present the book to the teacher.
 1. Upcoming Events – sheet passed around
 2. Next Meeting: November 10, 2016 at the Grantsburg School room 115. “Seasonal Planters” by Village Floral, Demonstration, not a workshop, Jackie and Rosemary will provide refreshments.
 3. Pay dues – Reminder that MSHS dues of $37 due ASAP as they must be mailed in by November 1st. Mary will collect after the meeting.
 4. Mark showed prospective designs for the new signs and will bring back more information after suggestions from the members, on costs and materials.
New Business
Lisa made a presentation on Burnett County Sherrif’s Department is asking for donation to get a drug - sniffing canine.  The cost of the dog is around $20,000 for the dog set up for the handler’s care and home and vet costs. Pam moved to give a donation of $300.00 Seconded by Wanda.  Motion Carried.
Brag Time.
Mark talked about going to Costa Rico for a school class and said he is looking for gardens to clear out and yards to rake for expenses for the trip.  He also had homemade soap for sale.

Adjournment. Wanda motioned, Lisa seconded to adjourn. Motion passed.

Members Present:
Mary C., Charlene, Wanda, Lisa, Georgianne, Linnea, Pam, Mary G, Becky, Janet, Sandy, Mark, Theresa

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