Located in Grantsburg, Wisconsin, the Burnett Garden Club is a non-profit, educational club founded in 1988 and affiliated with the Minnesota State Horticultural Society, the largest organization of it's kind in the nation. We welcome anyone from the area to join our club regardless of county of residence. The club disbanded as a formal organization in December 2018
Happy New Year!!
Great time at the holiday potluck, new officers elected
A new slate of officers for 2011 was elected. They are:
Kris H/Pam D, co-president
Wanda B, vice-president
Rosemary B, secretary
Becky, Treasurer
Lucille, Historian
Pam D, Blog and notification
Here are a couple of pictures of the December meeting. Anyone with more pictures please send them to me at pameladavies @ yahoo.com
Holiday in the Park Display
December 2010 meeting, Annual Holiday Pot Luck Thursday, 6:00 PM
Hope to see you all there.
Special announcement from a member!
An open-house holiday boutique
Saturday, December 4, 2010
10AM – 3 PM
Hosted by: Mary Griesbach’s
25337 County Road F
Grantsburg, WI
just 3 miles north of the Crex Visitor’s Center
Featuring Guest Artisans:
Unique, handcrafted jewelry by Natalie Hokanson of Harris, MN
Fabulous willow basketry by Jacki Bedworth of Grantsburg, WI
Minnesota’s “Smittens” Recycled Sweater mittens, hats & ornaments
Refreshments! Christmas Cheer! cash/check only
November 2010, Meeting Minutes
A committee sign-up sheet for committees and upcoming events was circulated. $5.00 dues are due for 2011. Without a quorum we could not proceed with the nomination and election of officers. This will be carried over to the December meeting. Minutes from the last meeting have been posted to the blog with the addition of attendees to be appended.
The last meeting was the Grapevine Wreath Making Workshop with Carrie B as presenter. This month is the Ornamental Grasses for Zone 3 presentation by Kris H.
Treasurer’s report (Becky T.): 10/31/10 statement balance $1946.64, as of 11/12/10 $1956.64 (65.00 membership dues minus $35.00 for magazine order and $20.00 for the October speaker supplies.
Officers to be elected for 2011:
President (open)
VP (Wanda B. is willing to continue in this position)
Treasurer (Becky T is willing to continue in this position)
Secretary (open)
Blog and notification (Pam D is willing to continue in this position)
Christmas in the Park setup will be Nov 27 or 28 (contact Becky or Tim T if you want to help) Janet, Georgianne and Kris volunteered to help Becky and Tim. Becky has ideas and some materials – shepherds hooks with stockings stuffed with greenery, Candy Canes, the Burnett Garden Club sign and spots to illuminate.
Articles and Bylaws were found by Lucille. They can be discussed at the organizational meeting in December. Information for the 2011 booklet must also be finalized so these can go out ASAP.
Minnesota Horticultural Society MSHS offers 10-12 categories of awards (individual and club awards with levels and categories). Wisconsin gardens can qualify. We have missed this year’s deadline for nominations. Next year our club would like to nominate the CCC garden at the Burnett Medical Center.
It was suggested that we include the CCC garden at the BMC in our local garden tour for 2011.
Our next Meeting will be the Annual Holiday Potluck and optional gift exchange which will be held on December 9 at 6:00 pm at Pam Davies' house (on Pine Street north of the post office and the village shop). An email will go out for members to respond indicating what they would like to bring: main dish, side dish, salad, dessert. (The club will cover the expense of paper plates, cups, etc.) $10.00 optional gift exchange.
Ornamental Grasses Presentation by Kris Henning, Wisconsin Master Gardener:
A PowerPoint presentation was displayed on the SmartBoard with copies handed out. (Copies may be available through Kris H). A selection of dried grasses from Kris' gardens was included in the presentation.
Kris gave a thorough overview of which grasses have done well in Zone 3. Check out the U of M website for more reference materials on grasses http://www.extension.umn.edu/. Recommended reading Northern Gardener Magazine, Ornamental Grasses for Cold Climates by M. Meyer U of M professor and grass specialist, and Minnesota Hardy. (Members may subscribe to Northern Gardener Magazine through Becky T.) Both books available on U of M Extension website.
Some grasses mentioned: Fall-Blooming Reedgrass, Karl Foerster, Huron Solstice – switch grass, Northwind -- switchgrass (stands up well through winter), Little Blue Stem (native), Big Blue Stem (native), Purple Molinia Grass – Skyracer, Miscanthus – flame grass.
Minutes taken by Janet B and transcribed by Pam D.
Fun gardener's website
United States Botanical Garden -- Great Place to Visit
October 2010, Meeting Minutes
Present at the meeting were: Nori, Wanda B., Kris H., Cindy K., Jeanette V. Sue A., Lucille, Rosemary, Teresa H., Janet B., Carrie B.
Thanks to Cindy Kollars for providing the minutes in the absence of our secretary.
Thursday, November 11, 2010 meeting reminder
The Burnett Garden Club will be meeting on Thursday, November 11, at 7:00 PM at the Grantsburg High School room 111 for a presentation on Ornamental Grasses given by president, Kris Hennig. Refreshments will be provided by Becky T. and Wanda B.
Hope to see you all there.
Anyone with digital pictures of interest to the membership, please send them to me at pameladavies @ yahoo.com
If anyone took minutes at the last meeting, can you send them to me in an email at the same e-address so that they can be posted. Thanks
Materials List for Vine Wreath Workshop
- Grape vines, any length, no leaves
- Pruners
- Glue gun
- Items to attach to the wreath:
- pine cones
- birds nests
- artifical leaves, flower, berries, fruit
- gourds
- seasonal decorations
- dried flowers
Thursday, October 14 2010 meeting reminder
We will need a volunteer at this meeting to take minutes as our secretary will not be present. Anyone who wishes to perform this function should bring a notebook and pen and be prepared to email the minutes to me. This will be a great help, Thanks.
Hope to see everyone there!!
September 2010 Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Burnett Garden Club met at 7 PM Thursday Sept. 9, 2010 at the Grantsburg High School. Present were the following members: Wanda Biorn, Rosemary Burkman, Janet Byers, Mary Griesbach, Gaye Gunderson, Kristie Henning, Cindy Kollars, Linnea Seume, Becky Tessman. Member Cynthia Leonard was our presenter for the evening and she brought her friend Lynn.
Secretary’s Report: May’s report was posted on our website and no other reports were done for the summer field season.
Treasurer’s Report: Becky was accepting dues this evening ($5 for the year or magazine dues will be taken in November).
Old Business: Our brochures were distributed to members with requests to give them out to interested people. We missed the opportunity to have them available for our summer events, but it is still an excellent piece of information about the Club.
New Business: Sign-ups for the upcoming year for refreshments, tours and workshop suggestions and committees were passed around.
Officer nominations were discussed. Kris H. and Mary G. will be unable to serve next term so President and Secretary positions are open.
Mary asked for an updated membership list to be printed and available, since we have had such a nice increase in membership this year since the yearbook was published.
Guest Speaker: Cynthia Leonard (without husband Phil, she apologized for him) gave a fabulous and motivating presentation about growing garlic! She had prepared a delightful powerpoint slide show and we had a lively discussion. Also available tonight were several varieties of garlic bulbs for planting and eating.
We also enjoyed our annual fall plant/seed exchange and everyone went home with something new for their fall gardens.
Yummy refreshments provided by Gaye Gunderson were consumed with enthusiasm.
Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, October 14 at 7PM for a grapevine wreath make-and-take workshop. A list of materials needed will be forthcoming.
SPECIAL NOTE: these are the last meeting minutes I will be able to provide, as I have taken on new employment that requires my working on Thursday nights. I still hope to contribute to next year’s planning.
My apologies for errors and any information that was inadvertently omitted.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Griesbach
Thurday, September 9th meeting reminder: Growing & Using Garlic
At this meeting we will have our Annual Plant Exchange and nomination of officers for 2011. Also be prepared to offer some program suggestions for 2011 and to sign up for refresments for next year.
Hope to see you all there.
Pot Luck and Container Garden/Cut Flower Competition, a big success!
Yum, fabulous food. Send in those recipes and see them posted on this blog!
Great conversation. So nice to be at the lake!
Entries in the best container garden competition
Gaye and Lucille won first and second
Entries in the new "best cut flowers in a vase" competition
Pam won the prize
We had an uninvited guest, besides the neighbor's dog, this fantastic, huge mushroom. Mary, what kind was it again??
A little bit of business was discussed amid the fun.
- Next month is our garlic presentation meeting.
- We will also be having a plant swap.
- And we will nominate officers for 2011.
See you in September!!
FYI: The Duluth garden tour was canceled for lack of participants.
Pot Luck and Container Garden Competition, Thursday, August 12
Our annual pot luck is Thursday, August 12 at Linnea's family cabin on North Shore Drive of Big Wood Lake. Arrive around 5:30-6:00. Seume's will have the grill running. Bring a dish to pass and something to grill (for yourself). Linnea will provide burgers, brats and buns as she did last year. The club will pick up the expense as well as for paper and plastic products for this event.
Bring a swimming suit if you want to swim!!
If you want to enter the competition, bring your container garden. First and second monetary prizes will be awarded. No third place this year as we will try something new--best cut flowers in a vase, one monetary prize.
Directions: HWY 70 to County Road Y (west of Alpha), south to North Shore Drive, left, look for cabin with lots of cars.
This is a fun event for old and new members!! Hope to see you all there. Questions? email pameladavies@yahoo.com or henning@grantsburgtelcom.net
Reminder to RSVP for the Duluth Garden Tour
Duluth Garden tour, Saturday, August 7th, RSVP by August 4
Please RSVP by Wednesday, Aug. 4th call Kris at 715-689-2333 to sign up for the trip.
Tour details:
We will be visiting the Enger Tower gardens, the Duluth Rose Garden, Edelweiss Nursery, and possibly another greenhouse on the way home if there’s time. We will stop somewhere in Duluth for lunch on our own.
Carpool from the Grantsburg High School parking lot at 8 AM, and return sometime late afternoon. If we have more than 5 confirmed, we will need another volunteer to drive a second vehicle. Let Chris know if you can take some in your car if need be.
Thanks. We hope to get a good turnout for this event!
Kris Henning, tour leader
Lucille's Eclair Dessert
1 cup water
1 stick butter
1 cup flour
4 eggs
1 pkg cream cheese [8oz.]
3 cups cold milk
2 packages instant pudding. [vanilla]
Bring one cup water to a boil. Remove from heat add 1 stick butter and stir until melted, add eggs one at a time stirring well. Next add the flour and stir until it forms a ball. Pour in 9x13 inch pan. Bake in 400 degree oven about 15 Minutes. Watch very carefully, bake only until light brown. Let cool completely.
Beat 1 cup milk, 1 pkg cream cheese, add remaining milk slowly with pudding mix . Let this thicken a little and pour on top of crust. Top with whipped cream or whipped topping. Add fresh fruit or sprinkle melted Chocolate on top.
Kim's Pecan Pie Bars
Kim treated us to these wonderful bars at the 2010 Garden Club Community Garden town. They are so yummy!! Thanks Kim. And thanks to Lucille, Janet, Gaye and Wanda for bringing the refreshments for the tour.
Check out the link to Recipes on the left column, scroll down about half way.
Pecan Pie Bars
Pre-heat oven to 350
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup packed brown sugar ( I used Dark)
1/2 cup light colored corn syrup
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla
1. For crust, in a medium bowl combine flour, powdered sugar & salt. Using a pastry blender, cut in the 1/2 butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Pat crumb mixture into an ungreased 11 x 7 x 1-1/2 inch baking pan ( I used a 9 x 13)
Bake about 20 minutes or until light brown.
2. Meanwhile, for filling, in a medium bowl stir together eggs,pecans,brown sugar,corn syrup, melted butter and the vanilla. Pour over the baked crust, spreading evenly
3. Bake about 20 minutes more or until the filling is set. Cool in pan.
I lined my pan with foil with the foil extending a couple inches beyond the pan edge for easier removal - also I cut back on the baking time because of the larger pan I used - approx 16 minutes.
Busy Garden Clubbers
Kris Henning's annual Daylilie sale is this Saturday, July 17 at her gardens on Spirit Lake.
Spirit Lake Daylilies
22163 Spirit Lake Road E.
Frederic, WI. 54837
(715) 689-3456
Friday and Saturday, July 16 and 17, is Janet Byer's Huge Perennials Sale, Friday 10 to 5, Saturday 8 to 5
13017 Solness Road (2 miles south of Grantsburg on 48/87, 1.5 miles east on Solness
715 463-2008 or 715-222-2009
Saturday, July 17 Mary Griesbach's Log Cabin Soaps at Pine CityArts & Crafts Fest
9AM - 4PM
Robinson Park, Pine City, MN
If you are a Burnett Garden Clubber with an event coming up that might be of interest to members, let me know and I will post it for the club.
Sign up for Edelweiss Nursery Garden Tour, Duluth, Saturday August 7th
Daylily Society of Minnesota garden tour Sunday, July 18
The Daylily Society of Minnesota garden tour is this Sunday, July 18. If anyone would like to attend and ride with Kristie, she would love to have company on the drive to meet the bus!
From Kristie:
The tour costs $10 for members, $15 for non-members, and DSM membership only costs $5/year. We travel on a deluxe motorcoach bus, the trip includes lunch and refreshments, and we will be seeing 4 very nice gardens for the day. We are touring the northwest quadrant of the Twin Cities this year in the Buffalo and Monticello area. We will meet the bus in the Wayzata area, and would probably have to leave our area around 6-6:30 AM; the tour probably gets done around 3-3:30 PM, so we would be back before supper.
I personally toured the gardens this spring and they include Gary Schaben (a well-known MN. Hybridizer with lots of interesting seedlings), Darrell Johnson (former Board member and budding hybridizer with a beautiful rock/water garden, vegetables, & apples in a former apple orchard property), and Mick Raeker (budding hybridizer and maniacal gardener of five acres), plus Mick’s neighbor, who has a large water garden, pretty garden beds, and fun ‘antique-filled playhouses’ in her back yard.
Please let me know asap if you’d like to come with me; I will work out the arrangements with you later this week.
I know there was still room on the bus as of last Friday. You will have to email President & Tour Leader Amanda Engstrom at: amandaengstrom@netscape.net to register and find out how she would like you to pay (mail or bring check?).
Hope you can make it!
As of yesterday there were ten seats on the bus. Email Kristie at khenning@barronmutual.com or call her at 715-689-2333
Reminder: pick up your rhubarb leaf project at Mary's
Pictures of your rhubarb leaf birdbath and hyper-tufa pots wanted!
Community Garden Tour, Thursday, July 15, 5:30 PM
The annual Community Garden Tour will take place on Thursday, July 15, beginning at 5:30 PM. Our first stop will be Becky and Tim Tessman's gardens. Then we can go to Linnea and Rick Seume’s and Shirley Nelson, Linnea's mom next door. And finally, refreshments will be served at Pam Davies's.
Becky says Tim has a lot of new hostas since we were last there. Shirley Nelson no longer has a woods behind her-- she now has sun gardens. Linnea also now has more sun gardens, so things are different at her place, also.
Tessman's are at 369 W Olson Dr
Seume's and Shirley are at 415 E Madison Ave
Pam Davies is at 216 N Pine Street
Members and anyone interested in the Burnett Garden Club are invited to attend. Hope to see you all there!!
Making quikrete and hyper-tufa, June 10, 2010



2010 Garden Club Plant Sale Pictures!!
Hyper-tufa/Rhubarb Leaf Workshop reminder and directions
The Hyper-tufa/Rhubarb leaf workshop will be held at Mary G's (463 5877)
25337 County Road F, North of Grantsburg
Directions: In Grantsburg follow the Crex Meadows goose silhouettes on the street to County Road F. Watch for Mary's planter and trellis on the left side of the road, about 3.5 miles or so.
Bring what you have of the following (if you don't have these things, come anyway!!):
Cement dust is caustic.
gloves (to keep cement dust off your hands)
goggles (to avoid getting cement dust in your eyes)
mask or bandana (breathing in cement dust can be hard on your lungs)
Mold and texture materials depending on the project you have in mind. See How-To links on this website for hyper-tufa -- on the left column (scroll down)
wheel barrow or large bucket (for mixing)
shovel or trowel (for mixing)
plastic garbage bags (for lining your molds for easy release and for wrapping project to cure)
Email any quetions you have about the workshop to pameladavies@yahoo.com
Annual Plant Sale!! Saturday June 5th 8 am to Noon
This is our one fundraiser that keeps us in the black for the year.
- If you have plants to donate, bring pre-potted and labeled plants early.
- Setup will start around 6 am (we have canopies to setup and need lots of hands).
- If you can't make it that early, come to help sell later or bring goodies to help sustain us!!
And of course come prepared to buy, buy, buy!! you won't find better quality and prices anywhere else!!
Grantsburg Sign Planting, Thursday June 3 at 5:30
Bring gloves, rake, shovel, trowel if you have them. The garden has been cleared (thanks Becky and Tim) but will need turning and weeding before planting.
Drive right up to the sign with your vehicle and have fun!! Anyone with a digital camera can send their pictures to me at pameladavies@yahoo.com
Trellis Workshop--a great success!!
May 2010 Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Burnett Garden Club met at 7 PM Thursday May 13, 2010 at the Grantsburg High School. Present were the following members: Sue Auguston, Mary Charmoli, Lucille Danielson, Mary Griesbach, Gaye Gunderson, Theresa Halls, Kristie Henning, Cindy Kollars, Linnea Seume, Becky & Tim Tessman, Jeanette Villarin and Nori! We also welcomed Julie and Tiffany Peterson as well as Carrie Byers as our workshop leader for the evening.
Secretary’s Report: April’s report was posted on our website and was approved with no changes.
Treasurer’s Report: Becky reported our balance as of 4/30/10 was $1240.78.
Old Business: Our pre-sale potting party that was held at Kris Henning’s home on May 6 yielded approximately 64 flats of plants. There will also be plants for the sale coming from members’ homes. Please pick-up a load at Kris’ on Friday evening if you can. We will need lots of help at 6AM to set up the tent and get the plants set out. Sale will begin 8AM on Saturday June 5.
The summer tours will take place Sunday June 13 by meeting at 8AM to carpool from the High School. We will visit Minnetonka Venero Gardens (we have coupons!), Lyndale Park Gardens and Anderson Iris Gardens. Another tour opportunity will be August 7 to Duluth’s Edelweiss Gardens, Tower Park Gardens, and Rose Gardens.
Our own Community Gardens tour will be held July 15 with Janet Byers as chair.
New Business: A reminder from Becky T. that we will be meeting for Grantsburg sign planting on June 3 at 5:30PM. Becky has requested that if anyone has time, please stop at the sign and begin cleaning out the old plant materials ahead of time. She is willing to join you if you give her a call. Also call if you have any questions about specifically what other maintenance could be done. Bring gloves and a trowel. Refreshments at Tessman’s to follow.
Kevin Schoessow from Spooner and Dr. Susan Mohr of the Wisconsin Master Gardener Program will be in Siren at the Senior Center on May 17 at 6:30 PM. Dr. Mohr will be presenting “Growing Salads/Container Gardening”. This event counts towards Master Gardener points.
Mary G. has been invited to give a presentation about the Burnett Garden Club to the Grantsburg Christian Women’s Club on May 18. She passed around the final proof for an informational brochure to be printed in time for the CWC and also for the Plant Sale. The Sentinel will print 100 full-color trifold brochures at a cost of $45 + tax. Motion passed.
We agreed to a $25 gift certificate to Wood River Greenhouse/Village Floral to be given to Mark & Pam Johnson in appreciation for the use of Mark Johnson’s classroom this school year as our meeting site.
A reminder was announced for Janet’s Open House (Janet’s Perennials) this coming weekend 10-6.
Guest Speaker: Carrie Byers and sister Theresa Halls set up workstations for us to craft some fabulous twig trellises! Refreshments were provided by Theresa and Molly and we also created 1 additional trellis as an appreciation gift for club member Wanda Biorn who cleans up after us when we meet at the High School.
Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, June 10 at 6PM at Mary Griesbach’s home for hypertufa leaf/stepping stone workshop led by Pam Davies and Gaye Gunderson. Refreshments will be provided by Mary Charmoli & Alice Erickson. Be sure to be watching for emails with instruction and/or the website. This will be one meeting that will require an RSVP in order to have enough materials for all participants. Anyone is welcome to come to observe as well.
My apologies for errors and any information that was inadvertently omitted.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Griesbach
Growing Your Own Salad presentation, May 17
Anyone who would like to attend and to carpool, contact Kristie. See her contact information on the blog under Club officers - link to 2010 officers (left column, scroll down).
University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension
Spooner Area Office 715-635-3506/fax 715-635-6741
Presentation on Grow You Own Salad, May 17
UW-Extension and the North County Master Gardener Volunteer association invites the public to attend a community presentation on “Growing You Own Salad”, on Monday May 17 at the Siren Senior Center from 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm. Dr. Susan Rice Mahr, Wisconsin State Master Gardener Program Coordinator will explain the many benefits of growing your own vegetables and explain just how easy it can be. Special emphasis will be on raised bed and container gardening. A limited amount of free seeds will also be available. There is no cost and the event is open to the public.
For more information contact Kevin Schoessow, Area Agriculture Development Agent, for Burnett, Washburn and Sawyer Counties at 1-800-528-1914, or 715-635-3506.
Reminder: Pre-Sale Potting Party , Thursday May 6, 6PM
Kris will provide refreshments. The Club will provide soil.
Unable to attend?? Becky T. is willing to do any digging, transporting and potting of any plants anyone wants to donate, especially if they need assistance or are unable to attend on the 6th. Please call her for this great offer of service! Find her phone number under Club Officers Link to 2010 officers on the blog (left column, scroll down).
And don't forget our regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday the 13th!!
April 2010 Meeting Minutes
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Burnett Garden Club met at 10AM Saturday April 17, 2010 at the Wood River Garden Store. Present were the following members: Sue Auguston, Mary Griesbach, Alma Karels, Shirley Nelson, Linnea & Rick Seume, Becky & Tim Tessman and we welcomed new/returning members: Kathi & Ron Gajewski, Cindy Kollars & Jeanette Villarin. Welcome!! Dean Faulhaber joined us as our host.
Secretary’s Report: March’s report was posted on our website.
Treasurer’s Report: Not available.
Old Business: Our pre-sale potting party will be held at Kris Henning’s home on Thursday, May 6 at 6PM, and Kris will also provide refreshments. The Club will be providing soil. Becky T. is willing to do any digging, transporting and potting of any plants anyone wants to donate, especially if they need assistance or are unable to attend on the 6th. Please call her for this great offer of service!
Our regular May meeting will follow on Thursday, May 13. There was some discussion as to whether we will be meeting at our regular room at the High School or in the shop room. Carrie will also be sending out a materials list to prepare us for her twig trellis workshop. So be sure to watch our website/check your emails for important information about our regular May meeting!
New Business: A reminder from Becky T. that we will be meeting for Grantsburg sign planting on June 3. Becky has requested that if anyone has time, please stop at the sign and begin cleaning out the old plant materials ahead of time. She is willing to join you if you give her a call. Also call if you have any questions about specifically what other maintenance could be done.
An important date to note is that Mary G. received notice that our trees and shrubs are ready to be picked up! She will get the info to Gaye, who agreed to do the picking up in Webster. The trees & shrubs will arrive just in time for the potting party.
Mary G. has been invited to give a presentation about the Burnett Garden Club to the Grantsburg Christian Women’s Club in May. She and Kris H. realized that the Club does not have any informational flyers for events such as this, or for any promotions or membership sign-ups. Mary has been developing a tri-fold brochure (with help from Kris!) and looked into costs. Becky T. made a motion, seconded by Alma, to have 100 full-color trifold brochures printed in time for Mary’s presentation to CWC at a cost of $45 + tax. Motion passed. Tim T. will help Mary put the flyer into .pdf format for printing, and extras left over after CWC will be handed out at the plant sale and made available at other locations in town.
Guest Speaker: We enjoyed a fabulous continental breakfast in the gazebo at the greenhouse, thanks to Linnea and Gaye. Dean Faulhaber joined us and led us on a tour of the facilities, sharing his excitement about what’s new in annuals, perennials and other plants and items of gardening interest. It was a beautiful morning and everyone was very enthused. We all went away with our filled with many new ideas & inspirations. Reminder that Wood River Greenhouse officially opens Wednesday, April 21!
Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, May 6 at 6PM at Kris Henning’s home for potting up plants for the plant sale. Our next official meeting is Thursday, May 13 at 7PM at the High School, location yet to be determined. Refreshments will be provided by Theresa Halls & Molly Byers.
My apologies for errors and any information that was inadvertently omitted.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Griesbach
April 2010, Meeting Reminder
We will be meeting at the Wood River Garden Store, east on State Highway 70, on Saturday, April 17 at 10 AM.
Dean Faulhaber will give us a personal tour of the facilities and present what’s new for 2010 for annuals and perennials. Refreshments will be provided by Gaye Gunderson & Linnea Seume.
Hope to see you all there.
March 2010 Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Burnett Garden Club met at 7PM Thursday evening, March 11, 2010 at the Grantsburg High School. Present were the following members: Sue Auguston, Wanda Biorn, Rosemary Burkman, Mary Charmoli, Pam Davies, Mary Griesbach, Gaye Gunderson, Alma Karels, Cynthia Leonard, Linnea Seume and we welcomed a new member Noki (full name to follow):
Secretary’s Report: Wanda stated the secretary’s report from February 2010’s meeting was posted on our website. There were no needed additions or corrections.
Treasurer’s Report: Not available.
New Business: A reminder of upcoming gardening events include:
- Sat., Mar. 20 = Minong, WI
- Sat., Mar. 27 = Pine County, MN Spring Fling. Contact Linnea if you want to carpool.
- Sat., Apr. 10 = Grape Pruning Workshop in Frederic, WI
Guest Speaker: Mary Griesbach led us in a discussion of Vegetable Gardening Strategies for the upcoming growing season, and focused mainly on creative space uses, soil, watering and mulching, a few growing tips and pest control. In addition, she brought our attention to the availability of the North Country Gardeners newsletter, available free from the Spooner Ag. Research Station. Contact them at 800-528-1914 to ask to be added to the mailing list. In this most recent issue, our own Alma Karels was cited for a milestone achievement of 150 volunteer hours as a Master Gardener! Congratulations, Alma! Keep up the great work!
Alma and Cynthia thoughtfully prepared a lovely plate of fresh vegetables in a fabulous presentation for our refreshments.
My apologies for errors and any information that was inadvertently omitted.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Griesbach
Start Planning for the Spring Plant Sale
As you know, our Annual Plant Sale is Saturday, June 5th, from 8:00 AM until noon in front of the Espresso Cabin in Grantsburg. Since this is our main fund raiser we are hoping that everyone will be able to help in some small way.
First, there will be a pre-sale potting party at Kris Henning's home on Thursday May 6th at 6:00 PM. Bring your clumps and we'll pot them. Also, if you have quart or gallon pots, please bring those too. We have labels (but could use more especially the mini-blind slat type) we will attempt to price them right there that evening.
Secondly, if you are bringing plants to the sale, please have them potted and labeled and looking as nice as possible. Set-up begins at 6:00 AM Saturday, June 5th. Also, if you are donating plants but are unable to participate in the sale, this is a great time to drop them off. Any information that you have about your donated plants is appreciated--color, variety, sun/shade, spread, etc, as customers ask. If you are unable to drop them off early that morning, please contact Mary or Kris regarding a pre-sale drop off spot and time.
Mark your calendars!! This is a great time to pick up some great "local" tried and true plants and support our club as well.
Mary Charmoli
715 349 8388
Kris Henning
715 689 2333
March 11, 2010, Meeting Reminder
Mary Griesbach will be leading a discussion on Vegetable Gardening Strategies that will be sure to awaken your enthusiasm for the upcoming spring season!
Refreshments will be provided by Alma Karels and Cynthia Leonard.
Hope to see you there!!
February 2010 Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February, 2010
The Burnett Garden Club met at 7PM Thursday evening, February 11, 2010 at the Grantsburg High School. Present were the following members: Janet Byers, Lucille Danielson, Pam Davies, Mary Griesbach, Gaye Gunderson, Theresa Halls, Kris Henning, Linnea Seume, Becky Tessman and Tim Tessman. Also in attendance was our speaker Becky Dickinson.
Secretary’s Report: Kris H. stated the secretary’s report from January 2010’s meeting was posted on our website. One correction was the inadvertent omission of new member Sue Auguston – sorry, Sue! Welcome to the Club!
Treasurer’s Report: Becky Tessman reported a current balance of $1253.61.
Old Business: Kris updated us on the plan for the June 13 (yes, it’s a Sunday this year) carpool field trip. Kris would like to arrange for us to begin at Venero Gardens in Excelsior, and also try to include Lake Harriett Gardens, possibly other sites as well as Anderson Iris Gardens. Stay tuned for more details and note it on your calendars now!
Plant Sale planning will be resumed next meeting when chair Mary Charmoli will be in attendance.
Sat., Mar. 13 = Chisago County MG’s new location in Center City
Sat., Mar. 20 = Minong, WI
Sat., Mar. 27 = Pine County, MN
Guest Speaker: We welcomed Becky Dickinson from Cushing as our guest speaker for the evening. Becky had been a member of the Burnett Garden Club years ago. She shared nice handouts with us about growing apple trees, and her personal experiences with 150 of them! Yummy apple crisp, cheeses & warm drinks provided by Pam Davies & Mary Griesbach followed.
Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, March 11, 2010. Mary Griesbach will be leading a discussion on Vegetable Gardening Strategies that will be sure to awaken your enthusiasm for the upcoming spring season! Refreshments will be provided by Alma Karels and Cynthia Leonard.
My apologies for errors and any information that was inadvertently omitted.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Griesbach
February 11, 2010 meeting -- Apple trees!!
We will meet at our usual time of 7:00 PM at the Grantsburg High School science lab, room 111.
Refreshments will be provided by Mary Griesbach and Pam Davies.
Hope to see you there!
I discovered how fun it is to record video on my little camera
I love to visit boardwalks when I travel so if anyone knows of any, please let me know. Thanks
Please remember to email pictures to me to post on the blog. Also, send your favorite recipes. We now have recipe section. Look for it on the left column.
January 2010 Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The Burnett Garden Club met at 7PM Thursday evening, January 14, 2010 at the Crex Meadows Wildlife Education Center. Present were the following members: Molly Byers, Kathi Gajewski, Ron Gajewski, Mary Griesbach, Gaye Gunderson, Theresa Halls, Kris Henning, Alma Karels, Linnea Seume, Rick Seume, Becky Tessman and Mary Ann White. Also present were 2 unidentified guests and our 2 speakers: Kim Dauer and Alan Roelfs.
Secretary’s Report: Kris H. stated the secretary’s report from November 2009’s meeting was posted on our website. Mary Griesbach mentioned there were no minutes from our last gathering, as it was our annual Christmas party.
Treasurer’s Report: Becky Tessman reported a beginning balance of $1300.43.
Old Business: Kris reviewed our summer events for the months of June, July and August. All scheduled events can be viewed on the website and are listed in our membership books. One item for modification is the June 13 carpool Iris and Nursery tour in the Cities. Kris is proposing starting in the Minnetonka area for new sites.
Plant Sale planning will be resumed next meeting when chair Mary Charmoli will be in attendance.
New Business: Becky shared new information about a “Spring Fling” Seminar on March 13 at Lake Elmo HS and brought flyers with more details. The observation was made that all weekends in the month of March have gardening events scheduled.
Kim Dauer (Natural Resources Educator) and Alan Roelfs (Ph.D. Plant Pathology, retired) gave a powerpoint presentation on the use of Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide in identifying native plants. Other resources of note include the herbarium website at UW-SP: wisplant.uwsp.edu, the plant list on Crex’s website: www.crexmeadows.org and Crex’s book: Roadside Flowers of Glacial Lake Grantsburg. Yummy refreshments provided by Kris Henning followed. Many comments were heard about what a valuable gem we have in the wildlife areas in our county and the excellent staff and facilities available!
Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, February 11, 2010. Becky Dickinson from Cushing will be sharing her expertise on culture of apple trees. Refreshments will be provided by Mary Griesbach and Pam Davies. We will resume our normal meeting place at the High School.
My apologies for errors and any information that was inadvertently omitted.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Griesbach
January 2010 Meeting, January 14 at Crex Meadows
The meeting will be held at the Crex Meadows at 7PM. Doors will be open at 6PM to allow attendees to visit the exhibits and gift shop.
Directions: From State Hwy 70 go north at the Grantsburg stoplight. Turn left at W Olson Dr then right at Oak Street. Oak Street deadends at Benson so turn right at Benson then go left on County Road F then a right on County Road D. The Crex Meadows visitor's center is on the left nestled in the woods. See map below.
(715) 463-2896

Upcoming Meetings and Activities
2011 Garden Club schedule (changes may be made to this schedule)
- Bold= Regular Garden Club meetings
- Red = Garden Club activities
- *** = Non-club sponsored events and activities
May 12, 2011 7:00 pm Grantsburg High School room 111. Plant pathologist and mushroom expert, John Menge, will speak on Identification and Basic Science of Local Mushrooms. Refreshments will be provided by Gaye and Linnea
May 21 or 28 Circle Garden Tour is in the planning stages. Watch for announcement.
June 2, 2011 5:30 pm at the Grantsburg sign on Hwy 70, Annual Sign Planting. Bring gloves and shovels and any other cultivating tools you like. We will clean out the beds and plant annuals along the boarder. Refreshments to follow.
June 4, 2011 6:30 am Saturday in front of the Espresso Cabin. This is our annual plant sale (8 am to noon). Rain or shine. Dress for the weather. We will be setting up, selling and tearing down. Sign up for shift if you can't stay all day.
June 16, 2011 Garden jaunt to Rush Cityto see Wanda Bjorn's garden as well as another private garden (possibly). We will alos make a stop at Melon Vine Farm. Dessert at Grant House in Rush City (if you haven't been to the Grant House, this will be a treat!) 5:30 pm carpool from the High School.
July 14, 2011 Community Garden Tour--Schedule of gardens to be toured will be posted later this year. 5:30 carpool from the Grantsburg High School. Refreshments at the last garden of the evening will be provided by Becky T., Nori k., Mary G
***July 30 Kris's Spirit Lake Lilies open house and plant sale.
August 11, 2011 Summer Potluck and Container/bouquet Contest. 1 prize-bouquets, 2 prizes for container gardens. 1 entry per category per member. 5:30 pm at Seume's cabin on Wood Lake. Club provides meat and paper products.
August 14, 2011 Munsinger Gardens tour, St. Cloud, MN. 7:30 am Carpool from Grantsburg High School. BYO brown bag lunch, coolers provided Possible stop at a nursery on return trip.
***August 7, 2011 Syren Garden Club Tour
***August TBA Twilight Garden Tour/lectures, UW Spooner Experimental Station
September 8, 2011 7:00 pm Grantsburg High School room 111. Annual Club Plant Exchange, Planning for next year, dues, tours, committee sign up, etc. Donna Chell of Village Floral and Garden in Grantsburg will present Planning for Fall/Winter Garden Interest. Refreshments provided by Becky T. and Pam D.
October 13, 2011 7:00 pm Grantsburg High School room 111. Willow Basket Workshop with willow grower and weaver, artisan Jacki Bedworth presenting. Refreshments provided by Rosemary B. and Janet B.
November 10, 2011 7:00 pm Grantsburg High School room 111. Officer Elections, schedule organizational meeting, Holiday Party potluck planning. Braided Wheat Ornament Workshop. Refreshments Teresa H. and Carrie B.
Early December (TBA), Holiday in the park display setup, Chair Pam D. Refreshments to follow at Pam's.
December 8, 2011 6:00 PM at Teresa Hall's home, one thirteen Broadway, Grantsburg, Annual Holiday Party/Potluck, Voluntary $10.00 gift exchange. Club provides paper products.
*Regular meetings held at Grantsburg High School, room 111, 7:00 PM unless otherwise stated.