
February, 2011 Meeting Minutes

February 10, 2011 Meeting

Kristie Henning called the meeting to order at 7pm. We had 9 members present.

Kristie read the minutes of the January meeting. The minutes were approved as read.

Becky Tessman gave the Treasurer's report. We have $1,988.16 in our account.

We discussed the upcoming garden seminars for March. They are:
"Burst Into Spring" seminar on March 5 at North Isanti Baptist Church by Cambridge.
The Chisago County garden seminar in Center City is on March 12.
The "New Ventures" garden seminar in Minong is on March 19.
The Pine County garden seminar in Pine City is on March 26.

Old Business discussed:
Becky Tessman passed around a sign up sheet for volunteers to weed and water this summer at the
Welcome to Grantsburg sign on Hwy. 70.

New Business discussed:

There was some discussion about organizing a Circle Nursery Tour the weekend of May 21 or May 28.
Some options are to go to Homestead Perennials in North Branch, Kent's Perennials in St. Croix Falls and/or
Sunshine Gardens by Cushing on the way to St. Croix Falls. Please email Kristie Henning if you are interested.

There was a brief discussion about the annual Plant Sale at Espresso Cabin on June 4th. Set up at 6:30 am.

We discussed the June 16th "Garden Jaunt" to see Wanda Biorn's new place by Rush City, possibly visiting
a private garden along the way and Melon Vine Farm and to have dessert at the Grant House in Rush City.
We would meet at the Grantsburg High School to car pool and leave Grantsburg at 5:30 pm.

We discussed the Community Garden Tour on July 14th. The first stop would be at the Burnett Medical
Center and CCC gardens, then to Georgianne Kleiss home (Georgianne has since declined) then to finish
up and have refreshments at the home of Teresa Halls. Janet will be contacting a couple of other gardeners
to see if they would be willing to be on the tour to fill in for the second garden.

We also discussed the Spirit Lake Daylilies Open House on July 30th at Kris Henning's home.There will
be a Potluck and Container/Bouquet Contest at Seume's cabin on August 11th at 5:30 pm.

There was some discussion about planning an over night trip for next year. Possibly going to Madison
in the Spring or early Summer?? We can discuss that further at a later date.

There was a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Refreshments were provided by Georgianne and Pam.

Mary Griesbach introduced our Guest Speaker- Chet Anderson. Chet had a fabulous slide show presentation
on "Wildflowers of the West". Chet presented slides featuring his hiking/camping travels on the Arizona Trail
from March 27, 2010 to May 18, 2010 and the Colorado Trail from July 9, 2010 to August 2, 2010. On the
Arizona Trail he encountered lots of cactus, of course, also beautiful California poppies, rattlesnake weed,
many varieties of beautiful un-identified flowering desert plants, as well as golf ball pin cushion plants, barrel
cactus, compass cactus, mariposa lilies, yuccas, Juniper trees, prickly pear cactus in bloom, and more. He
also encountered rattlesnakes, gila monsters, elk, deer, California condors, turkey vultures, and lizards. He
was also able to visit the Grand Canyon during this hike.

On the Colorado Trail, Chet saw lots of amazing and beautiful scenery as well as mule deer, beaver ponds in
the valleys, Cooper's hawks, mountain goats and gorgeous flowers such as rosy paint brush, penstemon,
blue columbine, Alpine lousewort and much, much more.

Chet was a very good and very interesting speaker. He has many more hiking adventures planned for the future.

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