2016 Holiday in the Park, Grantsburg |
Located in Grantsburg, Wisconsin, the Burnett Garden Club is a non-profit, educational club founded in 1988 and affiliated with the Minnesota State Horticultural Society, the largest organization of it's kind in the nation. We welcome anyone from the area to join our club regardless of county of residence. The club disbanded as a formal organization in December 2018
Holiday Party Warm and Wonderful
About twenty members of the garden club gathered at Becky and Tim Tessman's for a warm and wonderful holiday celebration. As my camera was malfunctioning and my phone (not know for it's great pictures) had to suffice, these pictures do not do justice to the evenings festivities. If anyone can email me more photos, I'd love to post them here. Here are the photos I have.
Sandra, McKenzie, Sue, Georgianne, Linnea and Janet, also Rosemary with her back to the picture enjoying the music and ambiance! Hmmm, is that Dakota peeking out from under the coffee table? |
Couldn't resist getting my nose into this fragrant tree! |
Lots of nibbles before dinner. Sorry, I was too busy eating to get pictures of the dinner buffet. |
Mary C, Kris, Lisa, Karla and Lucille hanging close to the food 😏 |
Mary G, Rick and Sandy chatting close to the wine bottles😉 |
Sandra, McKenzie, Sandy, Dakota, Janet waiting for the dice game to begin |
Janet, Pam (empty spot), Georgianne, Kris, Mary C, and Lucille gathering for the dice game. |
I didn't manage to get pictures of our hosts, Becky and Tim, or Charlene our new Treasurer. We miss all those who could not attend.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Holiday Potluck!! Thursday, Dec 8, 6 PM
Wow! It's that time of year again. The annual holiday potluck is next week.
Burnett Garden Club
2016 Holiday Potluck
Thursday, December 8, 6:00 PM
Becky & Tim Tessman's home, 369 W. Olson Dr., Grantsburg
(across from Memory Lake campground)
Please check out the updated list of items and fill in where needed if possible.
Optional gift exchange: Bring a $10.00 (max) wrapped gift to participate in the gift exchange.
The planning meeting for 2017 was well attended and very productive. Just a little teaser of what is in store for 2017!!
Optional gift exchange: Bring a $10.00 (max) wrapped gift to participate in the gift exchange.
The planning meeting for 2017 was well attended and very productive. Just a little teaser of what is in store for 2017!!
Hope to see you all at the potluck!
Great Workshop at the November meeting
Meeting Minutes, November 2016
Burnett Garden Club
Nov. 10, 2016, 6:30 PM meeting
Grantsburg High School
1. President Mary Charmoli called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM
2. Secretary’s report-Kris Henning. October minutes were posted on our Blog. No comments / discussion. Kris motioned, Ruth seconded to approve. Motion passed.
3. Treasurer’s report-Kris Henning. Jackie being absent, Kris read the report. Our current balance is $2,050.17. No discussion. Report stands as read.
4. Committee Reports:
5. Announcements.
a. Mary passed around a sheet with upcoming events.
b. Next meeting is Christmas Party potluck at Tessman’s on Dec. 8 @ 6 PM. Optional $10 gift swap. A signup sheet was passed around for the potluck.
6. Election of Officers.
President Mary said we still need a President, but Kris said she will be President if no one offers. Other Officers previously signed up are: Vice-President-Mary Charmoli, Secretary-Linnea Seume, and Treasurer-Charlene Strabel. No other nominations were made. Charlene made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot for the slate, Sandy Hinrichs seconded, motion passed.
7. Signups for 2017 and dues payment. Mary passed around the signup sheets and Kris collected money for dues and cookbooks.
8. Old Business: Club Logo and sign update—Mark R. Mark was not present, but Mary informed us that he is working on a club logo and cost of new signs for us.
9. New Business: none.
Brag time: Several members commented that they still had flowers blooming due to the nice weather.
10. Adjourn. Charlene motioned, Sandy H. seconded to adjourn at 6:50 PM.
Attendance: Mary C., Ruth A., Daisy Oman Mott, Charlene, Rhonda, Jackie B., Kris, Rosemary & Dakota, Janet, Wanda, Mary G., Sandy Hinrichs, Lisa, and Becky stopped in after the program.
Respectfully submitted, Kris Henning, Secretary
Program: Sue Faulhaber and Donna Chell from Village Floral presented a wonderful workshop at no charge on how to do a small fall table arrangement. Sue instructed the group on placement of carnations, chrysanthemums and limonium in a bowl with evergreens, leaves, etc. Ruth A.’s daughter, Daisy, contributed pheasant feathers from Jerome’s recent hunting trip, adding to the fun centerpiece. Donna helped members with their arrangements, which we took home. Mary gave each of them a cookbook as thanks, with TDawg cards coming too.
Nov. 10, 2016, 6:30 PM meeting
Grantsburg High School
1. President Mary Charmoli called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM
2. Secretary’s report-Kris Henning. October minutes were posted on our Blog. No comments / discussion. Kris motioned, Ruth seconded to approve. Motion passed.
3. Treasurer’s report-Kris Henning. Jackie being absent, Kris read the report. Our current balance is $2,050.17. No discussion. Report stands as read.
4. Committee Reports:
- a. Plant Sale-Kris Henning. Date will be Big Gust weekend again.
- b. Holiday in the Park-Lisa Slater. She needs help with ideas, manpower, and decoration materials. If you can help in any way, please contact Lisa ASAP.
- c. Cookbooks-Mary Charmoli. We have 64 cookbooks left; if you have signed up for one, Mary brought them with her tonight. We have donated 2 last month and 2 this month (including 2 to Village Floral tonight). Great for Christmas presents, too. Village Floral offered to sell them for us at the shop.
- d. No other Chairs present.
5. Announcements.
a. Mary passed around a sheet with upcoming events.
b. Next meeting is Christmas Party potluck at Tessman’s on Dec. 8 @ 6 PM. Optional $10 gift swap. A signup sheet was passed around for the potluck.
6. Election of Officers.
President Mary said we still need a President, but Kris said she will be President if no one offers. Other Officers previously signed up are: Vice-President-Mary Charmoli, Secretary-Linnea Seume, and Treasurer-Charlene Strabel. No other nominations were made. Charlene made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot for the slate, Sandy Hinrichs seconded, motion passed.
7. Signups for 2017 and dues payment. Mary passed around the signup sheets and Kris collected money for dues and cookbooks.
8. Old Business: Club Logo and sign update—Mark R. Mark was not present, but Mary informed us that he is working on a club logo and cost of new signs for us.
9. New Business: none.
Brag time: Several members commented that they still had flowers blooming due to the nice weather.
10. Adjourn. Charlene motioned, Sandy H. seconded to adjourn at 6:50 PM.
Attendance: Mary C., Ruth A., Daisy Oman Mott, Charlene, Rhonda, Jackie B., Kris, Rosemary & Dakota, Janet, Wanda, Mary G., Sandy Hinrichs, Lisa, and Becky stopped in after the program.
Respectfully submitted, Kris Henning, Secretary
Program: Sue Faulhaber and Donna Chell from Village Floral presented a wonderful workshop at no charge on how to do a small fall table arrangement. Sue instructed the group on placement of carnations, chrysanthemums and limonium in a bowl with evergreens, leaves, etc. Ruth A.’s daughter, Daisy, contributed pheasant feathers from Jerome’s recent hunting trip, adding to the fun centerpiece. Donna helped members with their arrangements, which we took home. Mary gave each of them a cookbook as thanks, with TDawg cards coming too.
2017 Officers
President-Kris Henning 715-689-2333 Frederic henning@grantsburgtelcom.net
Vice-President-Mary Charmoli 715-349-8388 Webster marycharmoli@gmail.com
Secretary-Linnea Seume 715-529-2958 Grantsburg daylilydiva54@icloud.com
Treasurer-Charlene Strabel 715-349-5935 Webster strabel@sirentel.net
Historian-Lucille Danielson, 715-689-2288 Grantsburg lumd@grantsburgtelcom.net
Notification, blog admin-Pam Davies, Grantsburg pameladavies@yahoo.com
Vice-President-Mary Charmoli 715-349-8388 Webster marycharmoli@gmail.com
Secretary-Linnea Seume 715-529-2958 Grantsburg daylilydiva54@icloud.com
Treasurer-Charlene Strabel 715-349-5935 Webster strabel@sirentel.net
Historian-Lucille Danielson, 715-689-2288 Grantsburg lumd@grantsburgtelcom.net
Notification, blog admin-Pam Davies, Grantsburg pameladavies@yahoo.com
Meeting Reminder, Thursday November 10 6:30PM GHS room 115
Wow, what an amazing fall!!
Our next regular meeting is this week!
November 10, Thursday 6:30 PM Room 115 Grantsburg High School. Hope to see you all there!
Our next regular meeting is this week!
November 10, Thursday 6:30 PM Room 115 Grantsburg High School. Hope to see you all there!
- Demonstration: How to create beautiful seasonal evergreen planters! By Donna Chell of Village Floral.
- Election of officers for 2017, collection of dues, schedule planning meeting for 2017 for officers and committee chairs, details of holiday party
- Refreshments: Jackie and Rosemary
Please be prepared to pay your 2017 dues if you have not already done so--still a bargain at $5.00! We have lots of cookbooks so be sure to pick up a few for gifts! and one for yourself of course. They are a bargain at $8.00. Also, we need ideas for programs in 2017 and if you can step up to an officer position, I think we are still looking for a president for 2017!!!
Meeting Minutes, October 2016
Program –Lauren Finch presented a program on how to get rid of pests in your garden and yard. She talked about how to tell what type of pest you have, voles, moles, rabbits, deer and how to get rid of them. Live traps, water, fencing, and told us that the Crex Meadows headquarters have live traps for us to rent. She also talked about what types of bait, peanut butter, rolled oats, fresh veggies, apples etc.
Meeting was called to order by President Mary Charmoli on October 13, 2016 at 7:25 PM.
Welcome guest: Jim Charmoli
Secretary’s Report from September 8, 2016 taken by Kris Henning. Pam moved, Lisa seconded to approve the minutes as posted on the Blog. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report The annual audit was completed by Jackie, Kris and Mary C. This accounting was passed for members to see. The October report was emailed to Mary: Beginning balance was $1949.52 There were $549.04 in deposits and $168.44 in expenses Current balance is $2330.12. Treasurer’s report stands.
Committee Reports:
1. Community Planting – Kris absent - The cleanup date for all on Sept. 29 @ 5:30 PM was done and there are plenty of Canna’s salvaged from the sign to replant next year and to sell at the plant sale.
2. Fairgrounds Planting – Lisa. Looked good and will do the same type of thing again next year
3. Plant Sale – Kris absent. Treasurer Jackie emailed a report on the sale with an income of $1000.00 and expenses of $133.66, netting a profit of $866.34.
4. Tours – Becky. Just thinking of gardens, Kris has a couple of ideas and Janet’s sister’s garden was suggested.
5. Fair Float – Pam. Suggested to scrap the committee .
6. Grantoberfest – Gerorgianne there was $191.00 taken in with a cost of @$60.00, there was a new members signed up and 3 cookbooks were sold.
7. Holiday in the Park – Lisa. Looking for ideas.
8. Cookbook – Per Mary we still have 76 left. Pam suggested that a cookbook be given to Lauren for her presentation as well as her gift for Village floral and to the teacher of the room we use. Lauren was given her book and Mark will present the book to the teacher.
1. Upcoming Events – sheet passed around
2. Next Meeting: November 10, 2016 at the Grantsburg School room 115. “Seasonal Planters” by Village Floral, Demonstration, not a workshop, Jackie and Rosemary will provide refreshments.
3. Pay dues – Reminder that MSHS dues of $37 due ASAP as they must be mailed in by November 1st. Mary will collect after the meeting.
4. Mark showed prospective designs for the new signs and will bring back more information after suggestions from the members, on costs and materials.
New Business
Lisa made a presentation on Burnett County Sherrif’s Department is asking for donation to get a drug - sniffing canine. The cost of the dog is around $20,000 for the dog set up for the handler’s care and home and vet costs. Pam moved to give a donation of $300.00 Seconded by Wanda. Motion Carried.
Brag Time.
Mark talked about going to Costa Rico for a school class and said he is looking for gardens to clear out and yards to rake for expenses for the trip. He also had homemade soap for sale.
Adjournment. Wanda motioned, Lisa seconded to adjourn. Motion passed.
Members Present:
Mary C., Charlene, Wanda, Lisa, Georgianne, Linnea, Pam, Mary G, Becky, Janet, Sandy, Mark, Theresa
Great info on trapping and dispatching garden pests of the furry variety!
Lauren Finch of Crex Meadows gave a very information presentation on Pests in the Garden at our October meeting on Thursday the 10th. She spoke about the importance of identifying what animal pests we are dealing with before determining the best course of action. Moles, voles, gophers, rabbits and deer can do a lot of damage in a garden. Each of these has specific behavior and food preferences. Most can be trapped and exported or otherwise "dispatched." We learned that Crex Meadows has live traps to "rent" out for the low low price of a reimbursable deposit! They can also advise on all kinds of animal pest problems.
Lauren speaking to a group of 14 gardeners. |
Grantsburg HWY 70 Welcome Sign Clean up
We have finally had out first frost so unless you brought in or covered your tender annuals they are probably looking pretty tough by now.
The Garden Club was, of course, ahead of the game cleaning up the Welcome Sign beds and digging up canna bulbs. On Thursday September 29 a good group turned up for the hard work. Kris and Mary C got an early start. Here are a few pictures of the evening's fun!
The Garden Club was, of course, ahead of the game cleaning up the Welcome Sign beds and digging up canna bulbs. On Thursday September 29 a good group turned up for the hard work. Kris and Mary C got an early start. Here are a few pictures of the evening's fun!
Kris dug canna bulbs while Mary C piled annuals onto a tarp to be dragged off into the woods and left to compost |
It was really hard to pull up all the beautiful annuals still in full bloom but we knew a killer frost was inevitable |
One gunny sack of cannas turned into five times as many. Look for these at our spring plant sale!! |
Thanks to Kris, Janet, Linnea, Sandy, Mary C and Pam (the Shadow!!) for cleaning up the beds so we will have an easy time planting in the spring! |
Meeting Reminder, Thursday October 13 6:30 PM GHS
Don't miss our next garden club meeting on Thursday October 13 at 6:30 PM in room 115 of Grantsburg High School. Lauren Finch of Crex Meadows will start out the evening with a presentation on Yard and Garden Pest Control including traps and how to use them!!
The agenda for the evening includes continuing to collect 2017 dues and circulating signup and suggestion sheets as well as nominations for 2017 slate of officers.
Refreshments will be provided by Lisa and ?
Hope to see you all there!
The agenda for the evening includes continuing to collect 2017 dues and circulating signup and suggestion sheets as well as nominations for 2017 slate of officers.
Refreshments will be provided by Lisa and ?
Hope to see you all there!
Another Successful Grantoberfest!!
Grantoberfest 2016 was another fun event for the garden club. We had our usual spot between the barns and the vendor hall, under the green canopy. This year we sold plants donated by Janet's perennials and other members. We also sold garden club T-shirts and cookbooks as well as other misc items! All totaled we made $191.00 for our coffers. But more importantly we signed up 3 new members!! We also made contact with some serious young gardeners particularly interested in succulents!
Thank you so much to Georgianne and Mary C for organizing our booth, setting up, representing the club during the all day event and of course cleaning up at the end. Phew!! Big job. And thank you to everyone else who helped at the booth and donated items to sell--that would be Rod K., Pam, Charlene, Mark, Alice E!
Can't wait to meet our newest members!
Click on the images below to get a bigger view.
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Mary and Georgianne (showing off the garden club tshirt) |
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Mary arranging succulents in wagons |
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Georgianne goofing off!! Or goofing for the camera! |
A big Thank You from our Community Gardens Committee Chair
From Kris Henning, our Community Gardens Committee Chair:
Special thanks goes out to all members who worked on the planting/weeding/watering crews this summer. You make the gardens look so pretty and help the Garden Club hold its head high in the community. We couldn’t do these gardens without you! Thank you!
Gardens cleanup will be Sept. 29th @ 5:30 PM. Meet at the sign and we will strategize from there. Bring rakes, totes/tubs, gloves, etc., for cleaning garden debris.
Fun and informative meeting on Sept 8!
Mark Riewestahl gave a fun an informative presentation on succulents on Thursday, Sept 8. This was our first regular meeting after an active summer of gardening. It was great to see everyone again and enjoy Mark's enthusiastic talk. We learned about how easy it is to propagate various types of succulents, the huge variety of succulent available, how easy they are to care for and the variety of ways to use them in planters, fairy gardens and in the garden.
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Mark presenting to the group |
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Mark's hanging planter creation. |
Thank you to Mark, and to Mom for helping out with the PowerPoint.
We also shared seeds and plants among members, an annual event at our September meetings.
Meeting Minutes, September 2016
Garden Club
report for Sept. 8, 2016
meeting, Grantsburg High School @ 6:30 pm.
–Mark Riewestahl presented a
program on Succulents before the business meeting. His slideshow was
very informative and showed the various types, shapes, colors and
textures and how to care for these drought-tolerant plants. He
brought samples of his succulents for display and some for sale. He
also makes clay Fairy Garden accessories for sale and brought some to
was a short refreshment break before the meeting.
was called to order by President
Mary Charmoli on Sept 8 at 6:32 PM.
welcomed guests.
Report from May 12 by Kris
Henning. Charlene moved, Pam seconded to approve the minutes as
posted on the Blog. Motion carried.
Report for August emailed to
Kris from Jackie. August 1 beginning balance was $2,018.99; August 31
ending balance was $1,949.52. Treasurer’s report stands.
- Community Planting – Pam. Library needs funds; she has been potting up plants to sell and asked members to do the same. Kris reported that the sign garden is looking great and discussed some income/expenses on it from the Treasurer. A cleanup date for all gardens was set for Sept. 29 @ 5:30 pm. Meet at the sign and we will strategize from there. Bring rakes, totes/tubs, gloves for garden debris.
- Fairgrounds Planting – Lisa. No report. Plantings look good, per Janet.
- Plant Sale – Kris. Treasurer Jackie sent a report on the sale with a net of $863.34.
- Tours – Becky. Two tours went well. Suggestions for future gardens—Clara Liljeberg’s son (2 houses south of Kozy), Pine City man who visited the plant sale (but we didn’t get his name), and Sandy Hinrichs’ garden.
- Fair Float – Pam. Didn’t happen.
- Grantoberfest – Mary in lieu of Georgianne. Set up will be from 4:15-6 PM on Friday (we really need help) and from 7:30-9:00 AM on Saturday. Need Pumpkins, dried flowers to decorate or for sale, potted plants for sale, other items to sell; contact Mary if you have some.
- Holiday in the Park – Lisa. No report.
- Cookbook – Jackie (report on sales). No report.
- Events – sheet passed around
- Next Meeting: Oct 13 – “Yard/Garden Pest Control” by Kevin Schoessow
- Sign-up for offices/pay dues – Kris. Kris passed around the signup/suggestion sheets for 2017 and collected dues.
- Change in the Constitution – Mary. The Extension Office sent a letter to us and it basically states that their requirement for working with groups is that the groups be non-discriminatory. Mary had proposed changing our constitution, which is very broad and general, to match their wording, which is quite specific and might change again. Kris motioned to send in what we have now and if they don’t like it, then we can address it next year. Mark seconded. Motion passed.
thanked all that entered in the fair—it really does make the fair
better; there will be a Fairy Garden classification next year.
Charlene told us about her houseplant she’s had since 1981.
Charlene motioned, Kris seconded
to adjourn. Motion passed.
C., Charlene, Linnea, Mary G., Rhonda, Kris, Janet, Mark, Teresa,
Pam, Wanda, Becky.
Meeting Reminder: Thursday, September 8 6:30 PM Room 115 Grantsburg High School
Regular meetings begin again on Thursday, September 8 at 6:30 PM in room 115 at Grantsburg High School. The evenings presentation will be on succulents by our own Mark Riewestahls!
We will also have our annual plant and seed exchange. Bring your overflow seeds and plants to share with club members.
Dues for 2017 are due by November but why not get them paid early!! We will begin collecting dues this month so bring along a $5.00 bill or a check!! Cheap at twice the price!
We will also begin circulating signup and suggestion sheets.
Refreshments will be provided by Linnea and Janet.
We will also have our annual plant and seed exchange. Bring your overflow seeds and plants to share with club members.
Dues for 2017 are due by November but why not get them paid early!! We will begin collecting dues this month so bring along a $5.00 bill or a check!! Cheap at twice the price!
We will also begin circulating signup and suggestion sheets.
Refreshments will be provided by Linnea and Janet.
Lots of prizes for garden club members at the Grantsburg Ag Fair!!
Georgianne and Pam documented this years prize winning entries in the Grantsburg Burnett County Ag Fair with photographs. They are posted in alphabetical order by member's first name. Click on the pictures to get a larger image. Apologies if an entry was missed.
No comments are needed as these wonderful entries speak beautifully for themselves!! Congratulations to Becky, Linnea, McKinzie and Sandy Hinrichs!
Becky's prize winners |
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Linnea's winning entries |
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McKenzie's winning fairy garden entry |
Sandy's winning entries! |
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