
Grantoberfest 2018--2 new members and lots of interest!!

Grantoberfest was a big success for our club. We came away with two new members, Chris and Rita, and four people who want to be on our email list who we hope will become members down the road. We also got some nice donations!

This year with a big pot of succulents provided by Linnea last year and some additional plants donated by Janet (thank you Linnea and Janet), we had a make-your-own mini, succulent pot which included little fairy garden type decorations. Who new the kids would go wild for this!! With a tub of soil, a trowel and a bunch of small pots of various sizes, the kids flocked in to create their own little garden to take home! A few older folks joined in the fun as well.

We also had a trivia game with questions pertaining to gardening or Grantsburg. Interestingly, most people chose gardening questions! Anyone having trouble answering got lots of clues--no one went away empty handed. We gave away over 50 prizes and made lots of friends for the club!

Thanks to Sandy we got a photo of our booth though just as we were almost done packing up. So busy was the day that getting photos totally slipped my mind. Well, that's a good thing because we had a great Grantoberfest!!

2018 Grantoberfest

A big thank you to Sandy for helping out at the booth including setup and cleanup!! I couldn't have done it without you!

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