Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Burnett Garden Club met at 6PM Thursday evening, October 8, 2009 at Holmes Lake Apple Orchard after carpooling from the High School at 5:30PM. There were 11 members and 1 guest in attendance: Rosemary Burkman, Janet Byers, Mary Griesbach, Gaye Gunderson, Theresa Halls, Kris Henning, Alma Karels, Cynthia Leonard, Becky Tessman, Tim Tessman, Mary Ann White and guest Rebecca Wallace. We were hosted by Bob and Joni Hartshorn (and briefly their youngest, Molly).
We were met at the orchard by Bob and Joni Hartshorn who had prepared samples of a wide variety of apples on the tailgate of their truck. We walked the rows of trees and discussed the history of their orchard, the varieties and apple culture. The Hartshorns generously gave everyone in attendance a bag to fill with fresh-picked apples as we toured the grounds – Thank You very much, Bob and Joni! Additional apple-based refreshments were provided by MaryAnn White and Cynthia Leonard. It was a great way to spend a crisp autumn evening in northern Wisconsin!
Kris led a brief business meeting. She confirmed that all current officers are willing to serve in their same roles for another year. Official elections will take place next month. A 2010 planning meeting will be held on Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 5:30 PM at Woodlands Grill for anyone who wants to participate. Mary G. also requested on behalf of webmaster, Pam Davies, for those who have computer access to please sign-up for club notifications through the website. This will eliminate duplicate emailings to members and decrease the workload for Pam. You are requested to do so by the January 2010.
Our next scheduled general meeting is Thursday, November 12, 2009 at 7PM at Grantsburg High School and Rosemary Burkman will be leading us in a craft workshop. A materials and ideas list will be available on our website if needed. Refreshments will be provided by Rosemary Burkman and Janet Byers.
My apologies for errors and any information that was inadvertently omitted.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Griesbach