
Meeting Minutes, May 2014

Burnett Garden Club
Meeting Minutes
Date May 4, 2014

Pam called the meeting to order at approximately 2:15 PM. Members present were Pam, Georgianne, Wanda, Linnea, Janet, Teresa, Barb, Lisa. 

Minutes from the last meeting are posted on the blog. Moved, seconded and approved that these minutes will stand as they are.

Georgianne gave the treasurer’s report. We have just under 1500 dollars in the account. May statement had not arrived yet.

Announcements: Molly B (Janet B's sister) has plants available for members and for the plant sale for anyone willing to dig them up. Pam has list and will publish on the blog. Call Molly to arrange time. Thursdays seem best.    

Standing Committee Reports 

a. Plant Sale: 
Banners have been ordered
Sign up for seedlings and other plants you hope to provide for the sale. 
May 15 Thursday, Potting Party, 6:00 at Kris' 
Annual potting party!!  This is work but fun and Kris provides treats!! 
We will pot up plants provided by members from their gardens as well as transplanting any seedlings that need it in preparation for the plant sale in June. Kris will keep and care for these plants until the sale.  Volunteer help will be needed to move the plants from Kris' to the sale site in June.
Dress to get dirty.  Bring any extra gallon and half gallon pots you may have. Premixed potting soil is provided by the club.

b. Sign Planting/Flagpole planting: Proposal sent in to Mary G. Chris Bartlett responded. Pam read his email:
This is Chris.  We have a board meeting tonight, but I think we will wait until the May meeting to bring up your proposal to the board.  We like to put things in their packets before the meeting to let them look at them.  Nobody last year brought up to me about bringing wood chips to the garden at the sign.  I will gladly have someone drop off a load before May 29. How much would you like at the flagpole?  I wouldn’t think you would need a full load there.  If the board agrees to your proposal you can probably just charge everything at the Wood River nursery and wouldn’t have to pay up front.  Receipts of what you bought could be dropped off at the hall and put in my mailbox.  I noticed that there was water at the sign garden and we never turned it on, but the guys said no one asked to have it on.  I am pretty sure we never watered at the sign.  At the flag pole I don’t think there is any other water supply beside the lake.  There is a fire hydrant there if we need to get water from that.  I will make a note about marking the garden for the winter to prevent snowmobile damage. 
I will be honest I didn’t know who to contact about the garden club and didn’t know how much they were involved in the town.  I have your email now and if you want you could give me a phone number so I can call someone.  When  I was at Frederic I was always in contact with the garden club.  I am looking forward to working with you guys and I know you guys care about the village and are willing to work with the village to help beautify the village. 
I am never offended when I am reminded about things, so please remind me when things are coming up.  I will let you know what the board decides as soon as I know, so you guys can plan.

Pam sent a response to all his questions.

Lisa suggested we ask the village if we can bag up wood chips to sell at the plant sale in June.

It was suggested we refer to the Flagpole Garden as the Memory Lake garden as there are flagpoles at both the Grantsburg sign and Memory Lake. 

We will meet on May 22, Thursday, 5:30 at the Grantsburg Sign to plan the revamping of the garden.

Zinnias are ordered and Pam will pick up before the May 29 planting. Invoice will be sent to Georgianne by Wood River Garden Center.

May 29, Thursday, 5:30 PM, we will clean up and plant the Grantsburg sign. Dress to get dirty, gardening gloves are always a good idea. Bring your favorite weeding and planting tools.

c. Holiday in the Park: Nothing to report
d. Planning/Yearbook: Nothing to report
e. Grantoberfest: Nothing to report

No Special Committees to reports.

Old Business: 
Placques for gardens: Pam sent around info on signs. 8X10 is a good size to order. Brass if cheap enough, otherwise Stainless steel. We will order 5 signs to be prepared for all the gardens we might be working on in the future. Text: This garden planted and maintained by the Burnett Garden Club.  Logos are also available. Pam to order. How will we mount the signs is now the question.
press releases: no one has volunteered to be the press liason.
Library and community center (2015?) no need to make any decisions on this at this time.

New Business:  None reported

Any Other Business:  None reported

Bragging/news Time:  Wanda has crocus and daffodils coming up. Pam is the gardener at BMC for this summer.  Linnea has retired and Kris is retiring. Both will be filling their time with gardening!! And other things of course. Congrats to both of them. No other news was recorded so if we missed something in the minutes, let me know. 

Next Meeting: Official meetings are over for the summer but we will be gathering at Kris’ for the Annual Potting Party on May 15 at 5:30. 

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:30 pm. Moved, seconded and approved.

Today’s program: 2nd Annual Tea Party!!

These minutes are submitted by Georgianne and Pam. Please send any corrections or additions to Pam.

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