
Another Successful Grantoberfest!!

We had another great booth for Grantoberfest this year and netted a new member--also new to the community, Cynde Kleven; a sort of new member, Adrianna Addison; and a maybe!! New members keep our club growing!!

Here are a few words for our 2017 Grantoberfest Committee Chair!

Hello from Georgianne!

First a huge Thank You to Pam and Becky for loads of help; to Janet and Kris for tables; and to all who gave so many plants and other items to help our club!  Linnea, Janet, Pam, Mary G, Becky, Kris.

Our profit was $113.  
One t-shirt for $10, 
3 members for $20, 
and one cookbook for $8; 
the remainder for plants and miscellaneous.  
Yes I am correct: 3 members for $20.

Grantoberfest was very good this year.  The weather was nearly ideal with perfect temps and just enough breeze to keep away gnats, even though our booth was close enough to the petting zoo for optimal enjoyment.  That llama was Cute!

A lot of people came by our booth.  A few shared ideas and experiences, but many wanted more information on plants: culture, types, zone issues, problems . . .  We can explore lots of ideas for future booths, programs, community projects.  And there were lots of thanks for our lovely community gardens, too.

I'd like to share the most unusual encounter -- the man who used to own 8 greenhouses, named DaVine?, east of hwy 87, just into Polk County. He grew tomatoes there. They're vacant now.  He suggested an indoor community effort that reminded me of outdoor community gardens in cities where people want to grow vegetables and more flowers but don't have space at home.  He granted heating could be challenging, but had ideas on that as well. A discussion about this would be benefited by some outreach for needs in our area first.  I didn't want to invite him to do a program for us.  Discussion later if desired.


A few Photos of our 2017 Grantoberfest booth!

Thank you to Georgianne for chairing the Grantoberfest Committee!

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