
Meeting Reminder, Thursday September 14, 6:30, room 115

Our first regular meeting will be held on Thursday, September 14, 6:30 PM, room 115 at Grantsburg High School.

The program for the evening is "Putting Your Garden to Bed" and will be conducted as a forum where we can share ideas about winding up the season and getting a head start on next year! We also have our Annual Plant and Seed exchange so harvest those seeds and thin you perennials and bring them to the meeting!!

Let Janet know if you have any plants you'd like to buy from her. She is bringing me an Eyeliner lily (white with black edged petals) to the meeting. Her plants are half price so let her know if you need anything. 

Here is a picture of the white lily I got from Janet a few years ago. I managed to get a picture before the deer ate the blossoms!

Refreshments will be provided by Linnea and Janet

All meetings are open to the public!

And Remember:

Grantoberfest!! is on Saturday September 16 9am to 3pm (setup before). More on that in another post.

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